This sounds pretty heavy. I’m telling the truth, Doc, you gotta believe me. Doc. On the night I go back in time, you get- Doc. Hello, Jennifer.

Calvin. Check out that four by four. That is hot. Someday, Jennifer, someday. Wouldn’t it be great to take that truck up to the lake. Throw a couple of sleeping bags in the back. Lie out under the stars. What kind of date? I don’t know, what do kids do in the fifties? Please, Marty, don’t tell me, no man should know too much about their own destiny. Well, I figured, what the hell.

It’s cold, damn cold. Ha, ha, ha, Einstein, you little devil. Einstein’s clock is exactly one minute behind mine, it’s still ticking. Hey I’m talking to you, McFly, you Irish bug. Nothing, nothing, nothing, look tell her destiny has brought you together, tell her that she’s the most beautiful you have ever seen. Girls like that stuff. What, what are you doing George? No no no this sucker’s electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the one point twenty-one gigawatts of electricity that I need. Uh, you mean nobody’s asked you?