Hey, Doc? Doc. Hello, anybody home? Einstein, come here, boy. What’s going on? Wha- aw, god. Aw, Jesus. Whoa, rock and roll. Yo Children. Hey, hey, Doc, where are you? Children. A bolt of lightning, unfortunately, you never know when or where it’s ever gonna strike.

Oh, uh, this is my Doc, Uncle, Brown. Ah, honey, your first novel. Alright, c’mon, I think we’re safe. Marty, you seem so nervous, is something wrong? Did you hurt your head?

What a nightmare. Who do you think, the Libyans. Okay, but I don’t know what to say. Uh Doc, uh no. No, don’t be silly. Don’t worry. As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88 miles per hour, the instance the lightning strikes the tower, everything will be fine.